Download ZinjaI:
Installing ZinjaI on GNU/Linux:
Linux package is a .tgz compressed file. If you don't know wich package to pick (32 o 64 bits), run "uname -m" in a terminal and choose 64 bits if that command outputs "x86_64", else choose the 32 bits package.
There is no need for installation, just uncompress and run zinjai binary from zinjai directory:
      tar -xzvf zinjai-l64-20191006.tgz
      cd zinjai
Is a prerequisite having installed at least GNU compiler and debugger (g++ and gdb). For installing them use your distribution's packages manager (installpkg, synaptics, apt-get, emerge, yast, ...).
Package includes the whole IDE (already compiled executable files and additionals like templates, help files, autocompletion indexes, skins, etc).
File details
If you want to validate your downloaded files, here are the md5 and sha256 hashes.
You can also access to VirusTotal reports generated for the two Window's versions available: instalador(exe)... / portable(zip)...
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