You can use this forum to report an error, ask for help, give your opinion or suggestions, or whatever you want to say about ZinjaI.
If you're about to report an error, please read the following instructions:
- Ensure you're running latest release: go to download section and check if latest available version matches the one you're running. To find out your installed version you can use "About" item from "Help" menu.
- Describe the error as detailed as possible. Copy the error text or attach an screenshot. If the program behaves unexpectedly, include what is the expected behavior.
- Explain how to reproduce it. Give details for every step (even the trivial ones) that lead to the problem. If the problem is related to certain code or project, please attach that code or project (you can send it by email if you don't want it to be public).
- Say which ZinjaI's version are you running and on which operative system.
- Visit the topic regularly. I may ask you to try something or to send me more details about the problem in order to reproduce it and find the solution.
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ZinjaI - copyleft 2007-2019 (by Pablo Novara - zaskar_84<at>
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